Fly eggs. So much less preferable than chicken eggs,

We do not keep a dirty kitchen. I cannot stand walking on crumbs, having bits of food all over the counter, perpetually leaving dishes in the sink, etc. I am most at ease when the opposite of these things is true in our kitchen, and the fact that I sweep 3-4 times weekly should lend some credibility to that.

What we are prone to is leaving the windows open to allow for better air circulation, especially during these warm summer days. And for those of you familiar with European homes, you know that window screens are not the norm here. An unfortunate side effect of open windows is the presence of flies in our house, and particularly in our kitchen.

As a result, last night we were most unceremoniously surprised to discover nasty , grubby, yellowish, squirmy little maggots on our kitchen floor!!! 😵

We proceeded to scoop them up and get rid of them, only to find more beneath the kitchen mats.
And behind the dog food.
And inside the molding beneath the cabinets.
And underneath our shelves.
And inside the garbage can.

After sweeping, mopping, drowning, Clorox-wiping, and Raid-spraying, I think we’ve won the war. I found a few stragglers throughout the afternoon, but they have quickly been sent to meet their maker. (Why, Lord???)

The rest of the Raid sits within easy reach, now. Be warned, flies. The Moreno house bears only doom for you.

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